To continue with the 'framable favorites' series. Neither my father nor I usually wins the photogenic award. The chin area is not beautiful on either of us. But I love this Christmas Morning shot from 2005.
Daddy and I traditionally give each other a book for Christmas. Well, Daddy gives everyone books. And, other than really expensive camping/hiking gear, Daddy only wants books for Christmas. And we both love John Irving - During this Christmas, Irving had just released his latest novel - Until I Find You - a delightful read about a young man who is searching for his father - knowing only that he is an organist and a tattoo fiend. Yes, Irving is weird. But amazingly talented.
Daddy and I happened to open our presents at the exact same moment. I assume my mama took this picture - she loves and encourages pictures of reactions at opening presents. She actually sits, poised with camera, as we open the especially goofy presents from hre. it may be my favorite part of christmas.
I love the red cheeks and red pajamas and its hard to beat a Christmas robe.
Daddy didn't write in my book (as he should have if following Eason custom) because he suspected that we might give each other the same present. But I insisted that we keep both books - because, after all, we don't share the same family library. So, i have an unwritten in Until I Find You - i need to rectify that.
i also need to frame this picture for both of us.
i have so much i'd like to write about, but i have paul's theology group coming in thirty minutes... so - another time.
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