And enjoy it he did.
Loved every second of it.
And after I came home and dutifully loaded and organized the photos, I was looking at them and thought, "i've seen this picture before. But i think there was a dress involved..."
And, due to the modern marvel of digitally storing photos, I didn't have to get in a box in the attic, like my sweet mother has to when she wants to show someone a picture. I just went back to "Spring, 2005" on my computer.
(Admittedly, things used to not be so organized even in my digital world, but this summer either right before Collins came (during the heartburn of night) or right after he came (during the cluster feedings of night), I went through all 6000 digital photos and organized them by season/event. Add a jewel to my crown)
And I found them.
Miss Bee, 9 months, swinging away at our favorite park in Oxford.
I could still just cry at how darling she was. Something about that first one. And that only girl.
Wait... I could cry at Eas and Lins as well.
[was anyone shocked by that "Lins" nickname usage there? I hope not. It's not my fault. Eason calls his baby brother colLINS. And Collins only looks around when the emphasis is on the second syllable. I grieved, and now have embraced. Who cares? His brother is inexplicably kind to him, and so he gets to use whatever emphasis he wants]
But, that sweet girl....she was the first one to break my heart into a million pieces.
And the first one to try to have an opinion about EVERYTHING.....
This is her. Having an opinion. Wonder where she gets it?
Could she talk? Nope. Could she have an opinion? You better believe it.
No...there are no age appropriate pictures of Eason swinging. This is not my fault, though, I tell you. He was born in March. So, when he was 8-9 months old, it was November/December. Holidays and Coldness (as he says now - "i just love the coldness") prevented many trips to the park. It was not my sixty hour a week job that I was working at the time.
Yes, I probably need therapy over my guilt about my sixty hour a week job.
regrouping regrouping regrouping praying praying praying
Now... feeling much better. Guilt - I have conquered thee. For now.
But...i don't feel it's fair not to have comparison shots.
So... As close to eight months as i can get:
Who do YOU think our little Lins favors more? Brother or sister? (there is a debate raging among those who see them most....I'll not tell you where I land)
Ada Bee. (with her Ba)

And Collins.
One thing is clear. Paul and I make at times painfully bald babies.
The other thing that is clear is that they are all now awake. And hungry.
hearts from forster land.
that boy sure does love to swing!! such pretty babies...