Friday: Some friends invited us for BYOM night. BYOM is brilliant. Bring Your Own Meat. If you are feeding a bunch of people (or even a few), it's often hard to afford (or justify) spending money on good steak for everyone. But - if you say "hey - let's get together - bring your own meat" - then each couple/family can decide what to bring - So, we brought beef fillets that were on sale at Sam's (which I marinated), and the kids acted as though they were all of a sudden royalty. I think it's good to spoil them every once in a while. I was also in charge of Twice Baked Potatoes - I think this is my favorite way to eat a potato. Especially if you bake them properly. More on that later. My friend made a big yummy green salad and a cheese cake.
Saturday: We're being treated to a nice lunch by friends - isn't that fun? Invite people for lunch on a Saturday - it's not done very often these days, but it's really very fun. I'm bringing a salad. Saturday night we have a friend/groomsman coming to town all the way from Cornell - where is Cornell? Ithaca? Anyway, I feel compelled to feed people who drive that many miles to see us. So, we're having Shrimp in Cream Sauce over Angel Hair. I think. It's possible that I may reverse our Saturday night/Sunday night plans. This recipe is an old one of my mother's and we just love it. It's perfect for company. It is not good for you.
Sunday: We have our monthly fellowship meal at church on Sunday - each family brings food and we all sit around at gorge ourselves on pot luck classics. Or not so classic...
I'm bringing cheese and onion enchiladas, a big green salad, and apple cake.
Sunday night - I'm going to try my hand at this - pictured above, except I'm going to sub some of the beef for some shrimp (I have shrimp I need to use), and I'm going to add extra veggies in with the broccoli. I'll serve it with fried rice (I made extry rice on Thursday with my red beans so I'd have left over rice, which is the best kind for fried rice, apparently), and Sauteed Cabbage.
Monday: Pot Roast. It's fall. Even if the weather seems to be reneging a bit on that. It is, darn it.
Wednesday: bbq pork at church. I make the pork, which I really kind of enjoy - it's a feat to make pork to feed 35. Other blessed people make the sides.
Thursday: Black Bean Soup/Paninis. I heart Paninis. And Black Bean Soup. I use the recipe out of Square Table - I've tinkered a bit - but it's better than the one out of Come On In. The one in Come On In is almost bland. I said it out loud. I did. It needed to be said, and I said it.
AL... keep on cooking, keep on posting and make sure to keep on sharing with all. Beautiful food prepared simply and served with the offering of friendship is the stuff that great memories are made of!