Monday 4/25: Bless you, Bean Burritos. Bless you for all that you have been, are and will be again. Bless you for your ease of preparation and for the excitement of each family member when they smell the cumin. Bless you still, for while we eat you often, we are never sick of you. Most especially last night, because it had been almost 2 months since our last visit.
Tuesday 4/26: Black Eyed Peas, Corn on the Cob, Green Beans, Biscuit Bread, Roasted New Potatoes - A Vegetarian Feast!
Wednesday 4/27: Subway at Church
Thursday 4/28: I'm being fed by a girlfriend - who has promised breaded eggplant/tomatoes/provolone/pesto sandwiches, but I'm feeding all of our children. I'm going to roast some chickens, and toss some noodles with butter and parmesan for the little buggers. One chicken will feed a ton of kids, plus Paul, probably; this will give me a ton of roast chicken left over for the weekend.
Friday 4/29: I'm sending my husband and older two children off for a one night camping excursion. I have a slight problem - Ada doesn't like hot dogs at all. I know I know - she's not american. But she doesn't. So, I'll likely get hotdogs for everyone else and make her a turkey sandwich. Obviously, also, material for s'mores. Maybe send a pasta salad to keep them carbed up. And then bacon and eggs and the giant cast iron skillet for breakfast. Also, some croissants, probably to help them stay full. Can you tell I worry that if I'm not there to see them eat, they might die?
Saturday 4/30: Collins and I will join the campers and the rest of our church for our annual crawfish boil. So we'll eat.... well....crawfish. And shrimp and corn and potatoes and burgers and hot dogs and we'll never eat again. I'll bring a dessert to share - I'm thinking something non-messy. So a cookie or some such. Maybe peanut butter. With hershey kisses. A throwback to the 90s. A beautiful, sweet throwback.
Sunday 5/1: Lunch - Rosemary Pork Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Something Green, Something Sweet
Sunday 5/1: Supper - Book Study meeting.
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